Douglas P. Joest
Doug has approximately 35 years in aviation experience that includes FBO management, Airport Authority Board Member, Airport Authority CFO, and Airport Authority Executive Director. In addition, he has substantial financial and accounting experience outside of the aviation industry. Doug is past president and board member of Aviation Indiana and a member of AAAE. He previously served on the Indiana Governor’s Blue Ribbon Transportation Infrastructure Panel and was the 2015 Executive in Residence at the Romain College of Business at the University of Southern Indiana. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from the University of Southern Indiana and is an instrument rated private pilot.
Doug’s most recent experience was serving as the Executive Director of the Evansville Vanderburgh Airport Authority (“EVAAD”). Prior to being promoted to the Executive Director position, he served as the Authority’s Treasurer and CFO. At EVAAD his experience included the development of aeronautical and non-aeronautical properties, management of large construction projects, air service development, and active involvement in regional economic development efforts. Previous to joining the Authority’s staff, he served as a member of the EVAAD board of directors for five years. Doug’s experience includes 13 years as the Treasurer and Chief Administrative Officer of Tri-State Aero, Inc., a full service FBO. His other finance and accounting experience includes large publicly held companies, as well as a small closely held business. Doug learned to fly while attending high school and put himself through college working in the line service department of an FBO.